All Posts by

Jill Pease

2021 PHHP Outstanding Alumni

The College of Public Health and Health Professions is proud to recognize 14 graduates with 2021 Outstanding Alumni Awards.

PT alumni receive specialist certifications

Seventeen PT alumni have recently received specialist certifications through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties or have graduated from their residency programs.

A Gator goes to Columbus

MPH and JD alumna Emilia Sykes didn’t think she wanted to be a politician. A soul-searching answer to what she could do for her county (and neighbors) changed her mind.

Gator100 honorees 2021

The College of Public Health and Health Professions is pleased to honor alumni and business owners Melissa Cere and Megan Molyneux who have been named to the University of Florida’s Gator100 for 2021. The awards program recognizes the world’s fastest-growing Gator-owned businesses. We asked Cere and Molyneux to share…

April is Occupational Therapy Month

PHHP and the department of occupational therapy are celebrating by spotlighting OT alumni who invest in the department as clinical fieldwork educators and capstone mentors.

PT alumna donates to Equal Access Clinic

Thanks to a generous gift from Arlyn Thobaben, the Equal Access Clinic student leadership group was able to purchase artwork to promote health and wellbeing for community members who attend the clinic.

40 Under 40

PHHP graduates Helena Chapman, Chad Nielsen and Emilia Strong Sykes have been named to UF's 40 Under 40 for 2021.

A gift of fate and purpose

Jon and Nancy Wilkins turned their own personal tragedy into hopeful triumph for future patients and families by establishing the Dr. Jon & Nancy McEwan Wilkins Fellowship for ALS Research Fund.